Forgiveness, Not Permission

Choreographed in three rehearsals and refined in three more, this piece of choreography was made entirely during the month of January 2018! This was a challenge of NACHMO, or National Choreography Month. We had a blast during this process, that challenged us as dancers and myself as a choreographer.

This dance is about discomfort, stress, obstacles, and confusion. We are together in space, and yet not. We impose on each other without realizing. We navigate each other like impersonal objects, not seeing each other’s humanity. We are women working, striving toward our own future with little to no regard for the other. Is it truly easier to ask forgiveness than permission?

This piece premiered at Joy of Motion Friendship Heights, Washington, DC, in February 2018 as part of a NACHMO showcase. It was performed again in June 2018 as part of Five More Minutes at the Athenaeum in Alexandria, VA.